10 11
ot only in outdoor work, but also in indoor work with close mik-
ing, unexpected low-frequency noise may occur due to the rustling of
manuscript pages right in front of the microphone, fishpole movement,
air conditioning, etc. Then effective pop screens or windscreens are
The WNS 100 windscreen is included with every micro-
phone in the KM 100 series (KM 120: WNS 120). This
is sufficient protection against light winds and popping,
with minimal effect on frequency response, and that
only in the very highest frequencies.
WNS 100 + KM ... + SG 21 + MF 3
Note: Due to physics, pressure transducers (KM 130,
KM 131) are considerably less prone to wind and pop-
ping noise than pressure gradient transducers. Thus mi-
crophones of the first type are preferable for use in such
Pop Screens
The most frequent type of noise in spoken-word recordings are so-called
“popping consonants”, which are caused in particular by plosives in spo-
ken language. They can be prevented very effectively by acoustic using
a PS 10 pop screen that remains completely transparent for the useful
signal. The PS 10 can be mounted on a separate stand or on the micro-
phone itself. For optimum effect, a minimum distance of 3 ... 5 cm
should be maintained between the pop screen and the microphone.
All pop screens are provided with a 3/8” threaded nut that makes it
possible to attach the pop screen to any other accessory.
The Smallest Variant
If the active capsule is operated on a KVF ... capsule extension, then the
pop screen can be screwed onto the SGE 100 stand mount and its clamp
can be slid from the cable over the capsule extension to the capsule.
AK ... + PS 10 + KVF 118 KA + SGE 100 (Top) + SG 100 + MF 3
The Simplest Variants
A PS 10 pop screen can be fastened with an MKV quick-release tilt-
ing clamp directly to the microphone.
KM ... + PS 10 + MKV on SG 21 + MF 3
If the complete microphone is fastened to the XLR connector using the
little clamp always enclosed with the SG 21/17 mt stand mount, then
the pop screen can also be snapped directly onto the microphone using
a second stand mount. The SG 21/17 mt stand mount is included with
all of our miniature microphones, but is also available separately.
KM ... + PS 10 + SG 21 on SG 17 + MF 3
In order to cover a larger angle in front of the micro-
phone, the PS 20 pop screen can be used.
If strong winds or major microphone pans with the fish-
pole are anticipated, then additional precautions should
be taken.
Note: For pressure transducers (KM 130, KM 131),
foam windscreens are the optimal solution. The follow-
ing remarks apply to pressure gradient transducers.
The Simplest Variant
The WS 100 windscreen, which measures 9 cm in di-
ameter, provides a markedly better protection against
wind than the WNS 100 does, but also has more of an
effect on high frequencies. Additionally, a foam wind-
screen always has some effect on the directional char-
acteristics, causing them to shift somewhat toward an
omnidirectional pattern.
WS 100 + KM ... + SG 21 + MF 3
The Effective Variant
As seen in numerous outdoor applications, windscreens
provide outstanding protection against wind noise. For
best results, the enclosed volume surrounding the mi-
crophone should be maximized. The WKD-AK and
WKD-KM windscreens are offered to fit the light, elas-
tic double suspensions for active capsules and/or com-
plete miniature microphones. See the section “Micro-
phone Fishpoles”.
AK 20 + AK ... + DA-AK + 2x LC 3 KA + WKD-AK
w/o fig.: KM 120 + KM ... + DA-KM + WKD-KM
The Most Effective Variant
In addition, the WJ-AK and WJ-KM windjammers are
available for use in extremely high winds. These are fur
covers that can be pulled on over the WKD-AK and
WKD-KM windscreens.
AK 20 + AK ... + DA-AK + AC 30 (oder 2x LC 3 KA) +
w/o fig.: KM 120 + KM ... + DA-KM + WKD-KM + WJ-KM