ProSecure Web/Email Security Threat Management Appliance STM150 Reference Manual
2-8 Provisioning Threat Management Services
v1.1, March 2009
Use the Setup Wizard to Complete the Configuration
Follow the wizard prompts to configure these settings:
• Network settings - If these were set earlier, skip this page or update these as needed.
• Set the system time (NTP server) and time zone.
• Configure Email Security settings.
• Configure Web Security.
• Specify the Email notification server to receive logs, alerts, and reports.
• Configure update settings.
• Configure Web category blocking.
Follow the guidelines below for completing the Setup Wizard.
Setup Wizard Options
For most settings, the default scan options will be the appropriate choices. Also, update the basic
network settings only if you did not follow the instructions in the Installation Guide.
Email Security
On this wizard page, enable the network services you want to scan and specify the ports for each,
select the scan actions, set the scan exceptions, and configure the maximum file size to scan.
Web Security
On this wizard page, enable the network services you want to scan and specify the ports for each,
select the scan actions, set the scan exceptions, and configure the maximum file size to scan.
Check the Streaming checkbox for an even more transparent user Web browsing experience.
Note: Setting the maximum file size to a high value may affect the STM150's
performance. The default value is recommended, which is sufficient to detect the
vast majority of threats.
Tip: To enhance performance, you may disable scanning of any protocols that will be
seldom or never used. Be mindful of the difference between user and server
generated traffic. For example, your mail server may not use IMAP but some users
may configure IMAP clients.