NETGEAR 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Adapter GA311 User Manual
v1.0, February 2007
Install the driver for the NETGEAR 10/100/1000
Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Adapter GA311.
a. The select network adapter dialog box
opens, click the Have Disk button.
b. The insert dialog box opens, insert the
GA311 driver CD into your CD-ROM
drive. Type D:\ in the dialog box and
click OK.
Note: Windows NT 4.0 drivers are
found at D:\, assuming that D: is the
drive letter for the CD-ROM drive.
c. The select OEM Option dialog box
opens, highlight the GA311 Gigabit
Ethernet Adapter and click OK.
d. The driver is copied onto your system,
and NT 4.0 will probably ask for the
original Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM.
Point Windows NT 4.0 to the proper
location (for example, D:\i386). When
the Adapter property dialog box opens,
click Continue to accept the default
e. If other cards in your system use TCP/IP
bindings, the Microsoft TCP/IP
properties dialog box will open. Set any
necessary TCP/IP configurations and
click Close.
f. When prompted to restart your
computer, remove your driver CD from
the CDROM drive and click OK.
g. The GA311 Windows NT 4.0 driver
installation is complete.
Select Network Adapter
Note: If Windows warns about a Digital
Signature Not Found, click Yes to continue.
Accept the Default Speed & Duplex