Reference Manual for the Model DG824M Wireless ADSL Modem Gateway
Connecting the Gateway to the Internet 2-11
• Fixed IP address assignment
Next, the Setup Wizard will report which connection type it has discovered, and then display
the appropriate configuration menu. If the Setup Wizard finds no connection, you will be
prompted to check the physical connection between your gateway and the ADSL line. When
the connection is properly made, the gateway’s Internet LED should be on.
The procedures for filling in the configuration menu for each type of connection follow below.
Procedure 2-4: Wizard-Detected PPPoE Login Account Setup
If the Setup Wizard determines that your Internet service account uses a login protocol such as
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), you will be directed to a menu like the PPPoE menu in Figure 2-7:
Figure 2-7: Setup Wizard menu for PPPoE login accounts
Enter the PPPoE login user name, password, and Service Name (if required) as provided by
your ISP. These fields are case sensitive.
2. If you wish to change the login timeout, enter a new value in minutes. This determines how
long the gateway keeps the Internet connection active after there is no Internet activity from
the LAN. Entering a timeout value of zero means never log out.