NI PXI-5600 Calibration Procedure 12 ni.com
• RBW = 1 Hz
• input reference level = 10 dBm
5. Wait 1 s for the spectrum analyzer to settle.
6. Record the frequency output as measured by the spectrum analyzer.
Verify that this value meets the specification listed in Table 3.
7. Call
niTuner_Close to end the session.
Note The limits in Table 3 are for accuracy immediately after calibration, and for one year
aging accuracy. Interpolate these limits appropriately for your situation.
Verifying Absolute and Relative Amplitude Accuracy
To verify absolute and relative amplitude accuracy, write a program that
includes the following steps:
1. Call
niTuner_Init to open the session.
2. Call
niTuner_ConfigReferenceClock and set the reference clock
to internal.
3. Set channel A on the power meter to read 15 MHz.
Perform six verification iterations, as listed in Table 4, for each of the
following seven frequencies: 100 MHz, followed by 25 MHz,
105 MHz, 805 MHz, 1.605 GHz, 2.115 GHz, and 2.695 GHz.
Note You can select any frequencies between 9 kHz and 2.7 GHz—you are not limited to
the frequencies listed here. However, you must test 100 MHz, and you must test it before
you test the remaining six frequencies to determine the relative amplitude accuracy.
For each verification iteration, complete steps 4 through 19:
4. For the first test frequency, set the signal generator amplitude as shown
in Table 4 for the current iteration.
5. Call
niTuner_setAttenuation and set the NI PXI-5600 to the
Reference Level and Mixer Level shown in Table 4 for this iteration.
Table 3. Internal Reference Frequency Accuracy Specifications
Internal Reference Frequency Accuracy
Accuracy After Adjustment (50 ppb) One Year Accuracy (150 ppb)
109.9999945 – 110.0000055 MHz 109.9999835 MHz – 110.0000165 MHz