National Instruments Corporation G-5 DIO 6533 User Manual
ft. feet
glitch a brief, unwanted change, or disturbance, in a signal level
GND ground
h hour
handshaked digital I/O a type of strobed digital I/O in which control signals pass both to and
from the digital device, timing and confirming each data transfer. Also
called full, or two-way handshaking, to distinguish this type of transfer
from pattern generation.
hardware the physical components of a computer system, such as the circuit
boards, plug-in boards, chassis, enclosures, peripherals, cables, and so
hardware triggering a form of triggering where you set the start time of an acquisition and
gather data at a known position in time relative to a trigger signal
hex hexadecimal
Hz hertz–the number of scans read or updates written per second
IBM International Business Machines
IC integrated circuit
ID identification
in. inches
interrupt a computer signal indicating that the CPU should suspend its current
task to service a designated activity
interrupt level the relative priority at which a device can interrupt