MID-7604/7602 Power Drive 30 ni.com
Operating temperature............................ 0 to 40 ºC (32 to 104 ºF)
Storage temperature................................–20 to 70 ºC(–4to158ºF)
Humidity.................................................10 to 90% RH, noncondensing
Maximum altitude...................................2000 m
Pollution degree......................................2
Usage ......................................................Indoor use only
Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMC/EMI...............................................CE, C-Tick and FCC Part 15
(Class A) Compliant
Electrical emissions................................EN 55011 Class A @ 10 meters
FCC Part 15A above 1 GHz
Electrical immunity ................................Evaluated to EN 61326:1998,
Table 1
This device should only be operated with shielded cabling for full EMC & EMI
compliance. Refer to the Declaration of Conformity (DoC) for this product for any
additional regulatory compliance information. The DoC for this product is available via the
following web site:
. This site lists the DoCs
by product family. Select the appropriate product family, followed by your product and a
link to the DoC will appear in Adobe Acrobat format. Click on the Acrobat icon to
download or read the DoC.
Meets the requirements of the following standards for safety for electrical
equipment for measurement, control, and laboratory use:
• EN 61010-1:1993/A2:1995, IEC 61010-1:1990/A2:1995
• UL 3101-1:1993, UL 3111-1:1994, UL 3121-1:1998
• CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 1010.1:1992/A2:1997
UL Recognized to UL 508C, power conversion equipment, File # E208822