Appendix A Specifications for PCMCIA Bus
6023E/6024E/6025E User Manual A-14 ni.com
Gain temperature coefficient ..................±20 ppm/°C
Analog Output
Output Characteristics
Number of channels................................2 voltage
Resolution...............................................12 bits, 1 in 4,096
Max update rate
Interrupts..........................................1 kHz, system dependent
Type of DAC ..........................................Double buffered, multiplying
FIFO buffer size......................................None
Data transfers..........................................Interrupts, programmed I/O
Accuracy Information
Transfer Characteristics
Relative accuracy (INL)
After calibration...............................±0.5 LSB typ, ±1.0 LSB max
Before calibration............................±4 LSB max
After calibration...............................±0.5 LSB typ, ± 1.0 LSB max
Before calibration............................±3 LSB max
Monotonicity ..........................................12 bits, guaranteed after
Nominal Range (V)
Absolute Accuracy
Full Scale
% of Reading
Offset (mV)
Te mp D ri ft
(%/ °C)
Positive FS Negative FS 24 Hours 90 Days 1Year
10 –10 0.0177 0.0197 0.0219 5.93 0.0005 8.127
Note: Temp Drift applies only if ambient is greater than ±10 °C of previous external calibration.