
© National Instruments Corporation G-5 SCXI-1141/1142/1143 User Manual
rms root mean square
rolloff the ratio that a system attenuates signals in the stopband with respect to the
passband, usually defined in decibels per octave
RSVD reserved signal/bit
s seconds
S/s samples per second—used to express the rate at which a DAQ device
samples an analog signal
sample an instantaneous measurement of a signal, normally using an
analog-to-digital convertor in a DAQ device
sample rate the number of samples a system takes over a given time period, usually
expressed in samples per second
scan a collection of samples, usually with each sample coming from a different
input channel
SCAN CLK scan clock signal
SCXI Signal Conditioning eXtensions for Instrumentation
SCXIbus located in the rear of an SCXI chassis, the SCXIbus is the backplane that
connects modules in the same chassis to each other
SER CLK serial clock signal
SER DAT IN serial data in signal
SER DAT OUT serial data out signal
SLOT 0 SEL slot 0 select signal
SPI CLK serial peripheral interface clock signal
stopband the portion of a frequency spectrum blocked by a filter