Volume Water Heating
using Munchkin boiler
(2 boilers supplying one storage tank)
Drawing VWH 2/1 V
1. This drawing is meant to show system piping concept only.
Installer is responsible for all equipment & detailing required by local codes.
2. Boiler circulator must be rated for open loop application. Do not use cast-iron circulators
3. Boiler circulator(s) operate continuously
4. The minimum pipe size for connecting to a water storage tank is 1 inch.
5. The minimum pipe size for connecting a Munchkin boiler is 1.25 inches for 199 VWH, and 2-inches for 399 VWH
6. All pumps are shown with isolation flanges or full port ball valves for isolation. The alternative is standard flanges
with full port ball valves and a separate flow check valve.
7. Install a minimum of 12 diameters of straight pipe upstream of all circulators and check valves.
8. Install vacuum relief valve in accordance with local code requirements
9. All multiple boilers and multiple storage tanks shall be installed with reverse return piping as shown
10. Anti-scald rated mixing valve is recommended on all tanks if the leaving hot water temperature from tank is above 119 ˚F.
11. Expansion tank must be rated for use with potable water
ASEE 1017 rated anti-scald valve
Munchkin 1
flow switch
Munchkin 2
flow switch
vacuum breaker
(where required by code)
Superstor Ultra
Storage Tank
hot water supply
recirculation line
cold water