When the room thermostat calls for heat, the Munchkin control board will start the circulator and start
to monitor the return temperature of the system before the heater will begin to heat the water. Once
the controller has sensed a drop in the return water temperature below the temperature set point
minus the differential set point, the heater will start to heat the water. This eliminates the Munchkin
starting every time the thermostat calls for heat. This feature keeps the system from short cycling.
Once the system has sensed the temperature difference, the Munchkin will activate the blower motor
for 5 seconds to pre-purge the system before starting the Munchkin
. The Munchkin controller will now
start to modulate the pre-mix burner based on analyzing the return temperature, supply water
temperature and the set point temperature. By compiling this information, the controller utilizes an
algorithm to fully adjust the firing rate while maintaining the desired output temperature. The pre-mix
burner fan has a direct drive current low-voltage motor with a pulse relay counting. This system allows
precise control over the fan speed and combustion air volumes. Coupled with the Honeywell gas valve
and the Venturi system which are set to provide a one-to-one ratio of precisely measured volumes of
fuel to air, an accurate and instant burner output is achieved. This keeps the Munchkin running at the
highest efficiency.
When the thermostat is satisfied, the Munchkin will then go through a 4 second post-purge cycle before
shutting off. Every Munchkin heater is equipped with a display which will read the outlet temperature of
the heater and then will illuminate a green light showing flame on. If a problem occurs, the front indicator
light will turn red and the display will read a fault code; see Part 7, Section B/C, pages 33 and 34.