troublesHooting (engine)
Symptom Solution
Engine revolution is not
Fuel filter clogged or dirty? Clean or change.
Air cleaner clogged? Clean or change.
Fuel leak due to loose injection pipe
retaining nut?
Tighten nut.
Injection pump malfunctioning? Repair or replace.
Incorrect nozzle opening pressure? Adjust.
Injection nozzle stuck or clogged? Repair or replace.
Fuel over flow pipe clogged? Clean.
Governor malfunctioning? Repair.
Either white or
blue exhaust gas is
Excessive engine oil? Reduce to the specified level.
Piston ring and liner worn or stuck? Repair or replace.
Incorrect injection timing? Adjust.
Deficient compression? Adjust top clearance.
Either black or dark
gray exhaust gas is
Overload? Lessen the load.
Low grade fuel used? Use the specified fuel.
Fuel filter clogged? Clean or change.
Air cleaner clogged? Clean or change.
Deficient nozzle injection? Repair or replace the nozzle.
Deficient output.
Incorrect injection timing? Adjust.
Engine's moving parts seem to be seizing? Repair or replace.
Uneven fuel injection? Repair or replace the injection pump.
Deficient nozzle injection? Repair or replace the nozzle.
Compression leak?
Replace head gasket, tighten cylinder head
bolt, glow plug and nozzle holder.