hapter 1
1.1 Overview
The C360 SuperPort System is a newly-designed 16 to 256 port serial
communication solution, which features high speed, large scale, distributed, and
easy layout. It is designed for industrial and office applications where an
AT/386/486/Pentium system needs to communicate with multiple terminals or
devices through serial interfaces. One C360 provides 16 to 256 full duplex
serial ports. Up to four C360 can be used in the same system and provide up to
1024 ports in total. However, each C360 Control Board must has its unique
The C360 SuperPort System consists of a Control Board, and Async
Concentrator(s). The switchless, jumperless and half-size Control Board links
from one up to 16 Async Concentrators via 10BASE-2 or 10BASE-T cable.
Each Async Concentrator contains 16 serial ports with RJ-45 connectors for
easier connection. Each serial port supports complete set of modem control
signals including RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR, and DCD.
The supported drivers are SCO UNIX and DOS initially. It is our commitment
to support more operating system platforms. Please call Moxa dealer for more
information about our newly available device drivers.
For DOS application programming, DOS API-232 library is provided which
supports most popular languages such as Microsoft C, Turbo C, QuickBasic,
Turbo Pascal, Assembly, and Clipper. For UNIX application programming,
UNIX standard API and MOXA UNIX API-232 are provided for controlling
standard TTY ports and MOXA specific non-TTY ports, respectively.