3-24 Intellio C218Turbo /PCI User's Manual
There are various UNIX operating systems, such as SCO UNIX, UNIX SVR4.2,
XENIX and Solaris, etc. Different types of UNIX drivers are required for different
UNIX. Moxa supports device drivers currently for
In this section, driver installation procedure is described. Administration utility,
mxadm, is explained, which is for configuration, monitor and terminal emulation.
Related issues such as device naming, baud rate settings and terminal enable are
If you are interested in UNIX serial programming, extended Ioctl() commands are
provided in Chapter “Serial Programming Tools” for advanced programming.
UNIX-specific troubleshooting is included in Chapter “Troubleshooting”.
Installing Driver
Up to four boards of combination of Intellio C218Turbo/PCI and C218Turbo can be
installed together as long as memory resources are sufficient and available in a
Step 1. Boot the system and login from the console as a super user (root).
Step 2. Insert driver diskette into a 1.44MB floppy drive, A: or B:.
If the driver files are obtained from the MOXA
FTP service, put them
under the
/tmp/moxa directory and skip to the step 5.
Step 3. Change to root directory by entering the following command:
cd /
Step 4.
Enter the following command to extract the installation script file first.
tar xvf /dev/fd0135ds18 /tmp/moxa/mxinstall (if 1.44MB A:)
Step 5. # /tmp/moxa/mxinstall
Follow the instructions prompted to finish the driver installation