Compact and versatile two tray Turbofan plug in (15 Amp)
oven. For the very best results in cafes, coffee shops,
small restaurants, convenience stores and takeaways.
The E25 is ideal for cookies, muffins, Danish pastries,
biscotti, breads, cakes, baked potatoes, frozen pizzas,
roast chickens, and many other snack or takeaway foods.
The compact design and the versatile, simple 110V,
15 Amp power supply make the E25 an ideal countertop
support oven as well as being ideal for outside catering.
E25 / A25
Single ovens can be mounted on
the custom A25 stand.
Constructed entirely of stainless
steel, the stand includes runners
to hold up to 12 half size sheet
pans, or 6 full size sheet pans.
Half Size