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No. 99MBC095A
Setting example:
• Lower detection limit: L < (a +D) / 2
• Upper detection limit: H > Upper limit of the measuring range or 1.1 D
(This setting may be omitted.)
• Invalidation period : T > (c / V) ms
Number of measurements: N < (ᐉ - 2c) x 0.8 (safety factor) / measurement interval / V
2) Position detection method
• This is used to automatically detect a workpiece that enters the measuring region in
the laser scanning plane in the same direction of the scan.
• Workpiece detection is performed with one scan, and 16 scans can not be specified
(If specified in the basic setup, the specification will be ignored).
• One session of automatic detection consists of the detection of no workpiece,
detection of a workpiece edge with a dimension that falls within the detection range
(between the upper and lower detection limits), an invalidation period required to
exclude invalid dimensions from the measurement, and effective measurement for the
specified number of times. Once the effective measurement has been entered, the
upper and lower detection limits will no longer be checked.
• In the following diagram, workpiece positions (a) and (b) result in no workpiece
being present, and in (c) it is judged that a workpiece is present.
Detected edge
Measuring region
Laser scanning range
Laser Scanning direction
L : Lower detection limit
H : Upper detection limit
C : Detection range
Setting example:
Assuming the workpiece diameter as D (mm) and the moving speed as V (mm/s):
• Lower detection limit: L > (Laser scanning range - measuring region) / 2
• Upper detection limit: H < (Laser scanning range + measuring region ) / 2 - D (This
setting may be omitted.)
• Invalidation period : Generally set to 0 ms.
• Number of measurements: N = 1
NOTE • Allow a sufficient margin for the lower detection limit, upper detection limit, invali-
dation period, and number of measuring times when setting them. If this surplus is
not sufficient, the measurement may not be achieved.
• If using the sample measurement, specify the number of measuring times to 1.
• The automatic workpiece detection functions in the continuous-run measurement.