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3.2.4 Combination of QD75 main functions and sub functions
With positioning control using the QD75, the main functions and sub functions can be
combined and used as necessary. A list of the main function and sub function
combinations is given below.
Functions characteristic
to machine OPR
Sub functions
Main functions
Combination with operation
OPR retry function
OP shift function
Machine OPR control
OPR control
Fast OPR control
1-axis linear control
2-, 3-, or 4-axis linear
interpolation control
1-axis fixed-feed
(Continuous path control
cannot be set)
2-, 3-, or 4-axis fixed-
feed control
(Continuous path control
cannot be set)
Position control
2-axis circular
interpolation control
Speed control (1- to 4-axis)
(Only independent positioning
control can be set)
Speed-position switching control
(Continuous path control
cannot be set)
Position-speed switching control
(Only independent positioning
control can be set)
Current value changing
(Continuous path control
cannot be set)
NOP instruction
JUMP instruction
Major positioning
Other control
JOG operation, inching operation
Manual control
Manual pulse generator operation
: Always combine, : Combination possible, : Combination limited, : Combination not possible
1 The operation pattern is one of the "positioning data" setting items.
2 The near pass function is featured as standard and is valid only for setting continuous path control for position control.
3 Invalid during creep speed.
4 Invalid during continuous path control.
5 Inching operation does not perform acceleration/deceleration processing.
6 Valid for the reference axis only.
7 Valid for only the case where a deceleration start is made during position control.
8 Disabled for a start of positioning start No. 9003.