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13.2 Various Data Control
(2) Precautions for operation
(a) Precautions during folder/file operation (Create/Delete/Copy/File output, etc)
Even if SD card access switch has been turned OFF while GOT is processing folders and files, the
processing continues to be executed. (Example: Even if SD card access switch has been turned OFF while
GOT is creating a folder, the folder is created.)
Therefore, do not pull out the SD card while the "Processing..." message is on the screen after SD card
access switch has been turned OFF.
(b) While GOT is accessing to other file (Alarm data, etc)
When folder/file processing for the recipe is executed while the GOT is in access to other file (SD card
access LED ON), the GOT executes folder/file processing for the Advanced Recipe after the processing for
other file has completed.
Therefore, it may take some time to finish the process of advanced recipe folder/file. (The "Processing..."
message is displayed on the screen.)
Estimation of processing time
The process may take time depending on the setting of advanced recipe file to be operated. (The more number of
blocks increases, the longer it takes to process advanced recipe folder/file.)
Also, the process to create the first file may take time depending on the setting of advanced recipe file.
(Reference value)
Direct connection to QCPU and CPU(device point:32767 points setting, transmission speed: 115200bps)
• When the block setting number to 1: about 17 seconds
• When the block setting number to 2048: about 4 minutes
(c) For executing the saving/loading of device value with advanced recipe file which has been moved or whose
name has been changed.
Adjust [Recipe File] setting of advanced recipe setting with GT Designer3 to file which has been moved or
whose name has been changed.
After the setting has been changed, download the advanced recipe setting to GOT.