FX Series Programmable Controllers Devices in Detail 4
Assigning grouped bit devices:
As already explained, bit devices can be grouped into 4 bit units. The “n” in KnM0 defines the
number of groups of 4 bits to be combined for data operation. K1 to K4 are allowed for 16bit
data operations but K1 to K8 are valid for 32bit operations.
K2M0, for example identifies 2 groups of 4 bits; M0 to M3 and M4 to M7, giving a total of 8 bit
devices or 1 byte. The diagram below identifies more examples of Kn✰ use.
K1X0 : X0 to X3 ➯ 4 bit devices with a head address of X0
K1X6 : X6 to X11 ➯ 4 bit devices with a head address of X6
K3X0 : X0 to X13 ➯ 12 bit devices with a head address of X0
K8X0 : X0 to X37 ➯ 32 bit devices with a head address of X0
Moving grouped bit devices:
• If a data move involves taking source data and moving it into a destination which is
smaller than the original source, then the overflowing source data is ignored. For
If K3M20 is moved to K1M0 then only M20 to M23 or K1M20 is actually moved. The
remaining data K2M24 or M24 to M31 is ignored.
Assigning I/O:
• Any value taken from the available range of devices can be used for the head address
‘marker’ of a bit device group. However, it is recommended to use a 0 (zero) in the
lowest digit place of X and Y devices (X0, X10, X20.....etc). For M and S devices, use of
a multiple of “8” is the most device efficient. However, because the use of such numbers
may lead to confusion in assigning device numbers, it recommended to use a multiple of
“10”. This will allow good correlation to X and Y devices.
1 011 010010110010 00 0 1 0
X0X1X2X3X4X5X6X7X10X11X12X13X14X15X16X31X32X33X34X35X36 X30X37