9. Machine Error Compensation
9.3 Example in Using a Linear Axis as the Base Axis
9.3 Example in Using a Linear Axis as the Base Axis
(1) When "mdvno" or "pdvno" exists at both ends of "rdvno":
Division point number #4101 #4102 #4103 #4104 #4105 #4106 rdvno 4103
Specified machine position
−300.000 −200.000 −100.000
100.000 200.000 300.000 mdvno 4101
Real machine position
−299.999 −200.000 −100.003
100.002 200.002 299.999 pdvno 4106
Compensation Incremental 2 6
−6 −4
0 6 sc 1
amount Absolute
0 6
−4 −4
2 spcdv 100000
If the setting range (mdvno to "pdvno") is exceeded‚ the compensation will be based on compensation
amount at mdvno or "pdvno".
(2) When the range compensated is only the positive range:
Division point number #4113 #4114 #4115 #4116 #4117 rdvno 4112
Compensation Incremental
2 0 6 2 mdvno 4113
amount Absolute
−4 −2 −2
4 6 pdvno 4117
If the machine position exceeds "pdvno"‚ the compensation will be based on the compensation
amount at "pdvno". If the machine position is negative in this case‚ no compensation will be executed.