2. Items related to servo/spindle parameters
To change the control mode to the High-gain amp (MDS-B-V14/V24) mode after
replacement of the Standard amp (MDS-B-V1/V2), it is need to change the parameters
and to adjust the servo parameters to fit to the High-gain amp.
Mode change between the Standard amp mode and the High-gain amp mode is
actually performed when the power (200V) is turned ON. Thus, when changing some
parameters unique to each amp, an alarm “7F” occurs and requests to turn the power
ON again.
Note that the alarm “7F” may occur when the amp is mounted on the machine for the
first time.
When the alarm “7F” occurs, turn the power ON again.
The alarm “7F” may not occur at second turning ON or later unless the above-mentioned
parameters are changed.
With MDS-C1 series, only the serial encoder is applied as the motor end detector.
Thus, OHE/OHA type detector cannot be used as the motor end detector.
Do not make remarkable adjustments or changes of the parameters as the operation
may became unstable.
3. Items related to the other parameters
When setting the parameter (#6449/bit6, 7) not to check the overheat, the control unit
and the communication terminal may not be controlled because of overheat.
In such case, axis runaway may cause a machine breakage, an accident resulting in
injury or death, or device breakage.
To prevent the serious results, ordinarily set the parameters so that the overheat check
is valid.