Note: Hot Desk ACD agents that are not programmed in any groups do not consume an
ACD license when they log in.
ACD Express Agents
An ACD Express agent is a simplified version of an ACD agent with hot desking. A hot desk ACD
agent becomes an ACD Express agent on a system if the first group in which it is programmed is
an ACD Express Group.
ACD Express Agents have the same behaviors as hot desk ACD agents, except that ACD
Express Agents:
never consume an ACD license. They consume a User license at provisioning time. Resilient
ACD Express Agents consume the user license on the primary ICP.
can be members of ACD Express Groups.
can be members of up to eight different ACD Express Groups.
cannot be members of ACD 2000 Agent Skill Groups.
You can have a maximum of 100 logins at any given time.
Hot Desk ACD agents that are not programmed in any groups do not consume an ACD
license when they log in.
Logging In
Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls are directed to Logged In Agents only. ACD calls are not
directed to a telephone where there is no Agent Logged In. You can log in by following the
procedure described below.
An important concept in the ACD system for you to be aware of is agent mobility. As an Agent,
you are assigned a 1- to 7-digit Identification (I.D.) number to log in with. You can be called by
this I.D. number, as well as by the telephone extension number where you are working. This
means that you can be called by your I.D. number regardless of where you may be located. For
this reason it is also a good idea for your Agent I.D. number to be included in your company’s
telephone directory.
As an Agent, you can belong to multiple groups. When you log in using your Agent I.D., you are
automatically logged in to all groups in which you are a member. Check with your manager if you
do not know the ACD Log-In access code or do not have an I.D. number. The Agent I.D. number
is unique to each Agent, and allows the system to distribute ACD calls to Logged In Agents. An
Agent can stay logged in indefinitely on the same telephone. You can also log in by using a
special Feature Access code not explained in this guide.
Note: If the I.D. is invalid, the display shows an INVALID error message and the Log-In
procedure is terminated. If the I.D. is in use by another Agent, the display shows a USED BY
error message and your Log-In attempt is terminated. If an Agent Log-In code is dialed, but
no I.D. is entered within 60 seconds, the Log-In procedure is not activated and your set is
treated as a Logged Out set.