AD connection to purified water,
pressurised, (1.5 - 10 bar)
The machine is delivered from the fac-
tory ready for connection to a press-
urised system, 1.5 - 10 bar.
The AD pressure tested hose,
marked H
O pure, with 3/4" thread
must be connected to the on-site AD
stopcock for purified water.
Connection to purified water non-
pressurised (0 - 1.5 bar)
For connection to a supply of 0 - 0.3
bar, or 0.3 - 1.5 bar the machine must
be converted, if not supplied converted
ex-works. An “ADP” booster pump
can only be fitted. This is only possible
when the machine has no DHK steam
condensor. As this work requires
specialised knowledge, it should only
be carried out by a Miele approved
The outlet of the purified water con-
tainer (non-pressurised) must be at
least at the height of the upper edge of
the machine. (see "Installation instruc-
Connect the non-pressurised AD
water hose to the purified water con-
If the AD connection to purified
water is not being used (or if it
should not be used) then the ma-
chine must be converted by a Miele
trained or approved engineer.