Preparing a whole meal
With some planning, an entire meal can
be cooked in the steam oven.
Place cooking containers on different
levels or side by side on the rack.
^ Insert the drip tray at the lowest level.
In general, cooking times will vary
according to the type of food. This
means that you will need to open the
steam oven at different times to add
each dish. Calculate cooking times as
Stuffed peppers 40 minutes
Boiled potatoes 10 minutes
(See menu suggestion 3 in the table.)
First, place the dish with the longest
cooking time in the oven.
To calculate its cooking time, subtract
the shorter time from the longer time,
i.e. 40 minutes - 10 minutes = 30
minutes in the example given above.
Press Start.
Set the cooking time for the food that
takes longer to cook, e.g. 30 minutes
in the above example.
When the tone sounds, the second
dish, the potatoes in this example,
should be placed in the oven.
Set the cooking time for the second
dish, e.g. 10 minutes.
Press Start again.
At the end of cooking a tone will sound
and both dishes can be removed.
Meal planning