Frothing milk into the cup
Prewarm the cup before filling with
Fill the cappuccinatore to the upper
"max" mark with cold milk.
Turn the spout to the cup symbol.
Turn the valve over the handle to the
froth symbol.
Place the cappuccinatore under the
steam valve.
Place a cup underneath the spout of
the cappuccinatore.
^ Press the steam lever, a, down and
"connect" the valve with the
cappuccinatore, b.
Ensure that the valve engages
properly in the lower position.
Milk is frothed by the hot steam and
dispensed into the cup.
Turn the cappuccinatore valve to the
right. Once the froth flows steadily,
turn it to the left.
Push the steam lever up when
enough froth is prepared.
The steam supply is temporary. If the
steam stops and there is not enough
froth prepared, push the steam lever
up then down again.
Making coffee