In addition please note:
– The meat can be placed in a pot or
the rack in the universal tray.
– The metal tip of the wireless roast
obe must be fully inserted into the
center of the food. The handle should
be angled upwards towards the
corners or the door of the oven.
Make sure it is not horizontal.
– When cooking poultry, insert the
tip into the thickest part of the
breast. You can find the thickest part
of the breast by pressing the area
with your thumb and index finger.
– Do not let the metal tip touch the pot,
ack or any bones or insert it into a
fatty area of the meat. If fat or bone
come into contact with the probe,
this can lead to the oven being
turned off too early.
– If the meat is very heavily marbled
with fat, select the hig
hest core
temperature given in the roasting
– When using roasting bags or
minum foil, insert the probe
through the bag or foil into the center
of the meat. You can also place the
meat, with the roast probe inserted,
inside the foil. Follow the roasting
bag / aluminum foil manufacturer's
– The wireless roast probe can only be
rted horizontally into flat food,
e.g. fish. Therefore place flat food in
glass or ceramic cooking containers,
the walls of a metal container will
disturb the radio signals.
If the wireless roast probe is no longer
ecognized during cooking, a
message will appear in the display.
Change the position of the probe in
the food.