
Supervisor’s Guide: Using Supervisor over the Web 41
Understanding user profiles
Understanding user profiles
Supervisor and Supervisor over the Web offer several user profiles. The user
profile determines what products a user can use:
General supervisor (all products)
Supervisor (all products but Designer)
Designer (all products but Supervisor and Supervisor over the Web)
Supervisor-designer (all products)
User (all products but Designer, Supervisor, and Supervisor over the Web)
Versatile (configurable)
You assign these profiles in Supervisor and Supervisor over the Web to reflect
the needs of the users. The profiles are described below.
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General supervisor
The general supervisor is the primary system administrator. A general supervisor
has all permissions in its security domain.
A general supervisor can:
create user groups and any type of user, including other general supervisors
manage user accounts and privileges, and resources in the entire repository
use any feature in Business Objects products
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The supervisor is responsible for user administration within its groups and
subgroups. A supervisor can:
create users with any profile except general supervisor
create user groups
administer user accounts and privileges
manage resources in its groups
By default, the supervisor can use any feature of all Business Objects products
except Designer, but a general supervisor or supervisor can limit a supervisor’s
rights to user or resource management features.
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The universe designer uses Designer to create and maintain universes for a
particular group of users. A universe designer can distribute a universe as a file
through the file system, or by exporting it to a repository.
ewwebsup60.book Page 41 Tuesday, July 6, 2004 5:34 PM