Tighten the left-hand captive machine screws on double-width modules first, to prevent warping the panel.
The chassis will be secured to its rack using four captive machine screws, located at either edge of the front panel.
There may be optional mounting points at the rear of the LX-300. Tighten these as appropriate. Do not over-tighten.
4. You may choose to clean the front panel of LX-300s using ordinary glass cleaner. Dampen the cloth and wipe.
Do not use a dry cloth, as this may scratch the front panel displays.
Do not spray the front panel directly. The liquid may infiltrate the LX-300, causing unseen damage to internal com-
In exceptionally dusty environments, it is permissible to vacuum the LX-300s. Using an electrostatically grounded
vacuum, clean the rear panels first, followed by the front blower vents.
Do not use pressurized air to clean the unit. Pressurized air will drive dirt into mechanical connections.
Operational Testing
1. Power-cycle the LX-300 using the power switch. The switch is located toward the top-right of the chassis, when
viewed from behind.
2. Observe the front panel indicators during the boot process:
Within four seconds of power-on, the Watchdog Indicator must display and remain solid green (except after the first
all-lights-on test, where it will momentarily flicker red).
Several boot messages will appear in the Frame Status display.
There will be two all-lights-on tests. After the second test, the Frame Status display may show "LINK" for a relatively
long period.
3. Wait as long as one minute for the LX-300 to finish booting.
The system has successfully booted with the Frame Status shows an animated "-OK-" message and the Watchdog
displays solid green.
4. The LX-300 has failed its operational test if any of the following conditions applies:
• System takes longer than one minute to display the "-OK-" message.
• The "-OK-" message is not animated.
• The Watchdog indicator displays blinking red during any part of the boot process.
• The Watchdog indicator displays solid red or blinking red while the Frame Status displays "-OK-" .
Operational Testing