Empty the boat of all equipment. Make sure nobody is on‑board
during lifting.
Outboard Power
Choose an outboard for the boat that is in accordance with the
horsepower range and maximum weight limit. Refer to the
Specification table in this manual or the manufacturer's plate on
the boat for the maximum outboard horsepower and outboard
Install the outboard along the centerline of the boat transom.
Fasten the outboard to the transom following the recommended
installation instructions provided with the outboard or from the
outboard manufacturer.
Check outboard for tightness on transom before each use.
Using an outboard that exceeds the maximum horsepower limit
of a boat can: 1) cause loss of boat control 2) place too much
weight at the transom altering the designed flotation
characteristics of the boat or 3) cause the boat to break apart
particularly around the transom area. Overpowering a boat can
result in serious injury, death or boat damage.
Pre‑Operating Check List
• Check the inflation pressure of the air chambers.
• Remove any obstruction from the drain valve.