Scope and Duration of Warranty
Subject to the terms and conditions stated be-
low, McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. (McIntosh)
warrants to the original owner that this Product
shall be free from defects in workmanship or
materials for a term of one (1) year from the date
when it was purchased from an Authorized McIn-
tosh Dealer.
Limitations on Persons and Products
Covered by this Warranty
This Warranty and all rights provided here under
are limited to the original owner. In the event
that the original owner transfers ownership of the
Product prior to expiration of the one-(1) year
term, this Warranty shall terminate in its entirety
upon the date of such transfer. In addition,
McIntosh does not warrant in any way Products
which are purchased from anyone who is not an
Authorized McIntosh Dealer, or which have had
their Authenticity Numbers altered or defaced.
Therefore this Warranty is void and inapplicable
if this Product has been purchased from someone
other than an Authorized McIntosh Dealer, or has
had its original Authenticity Numbers altered or
Geographical Limitations
This Warranty has been included with a McIntosh
Product that is designed, intended to be sold and
used only within the United States and Canada.
Accordingly, this Warranty only applies to
Products which are purchased in the United States
or Canada, and only applies while such Products
are used in the United States or Canada. Products
purchased outside the United States or Canada,
and failures occurring outside the United States
or Canada, are not covered by this Warranty.
What McIntosh will do under the
In the event of any defect covered by this
Warranty, McIntosh shall without charge provide
all parts, materials, and labor necessary to restore
the Product to its original specifications. After
repair, McIntosh shall return the Product to its
owner at the owners expense. In the alternative,
McIntosh may at its sole option either replace
the Product without charge, or if replacement is
not commercially practicable or repair or
replacement cannot be accomplished with in a
reasonable time, McIntosh may refund the
purchase price of the Product, subject where
appropriate to reasonable depreciation for actual
use in accordance with applicable laws, in full
satisfaction of its warranty obligations. McIntosh
or its Authorized Service Agency will undertake
to complete the repair and return of the Product
as soon as circumstances permit, unless prevented
by causes beyond their reasonable control.
Limitations on McIntoshs Obligations
under the Warranty
McIntoshs sole Obligation under this Warranty
shall be to repair or replace the Product, or at its
option refund the purchase price, as provided for
herein above. McIntosh does not warrant against,
nor shall it be liable for, any of the following:
removal or installation charges; shipping
expenses either to or from McIntosh or its
Authorized Service Agency; loss of use; property
damage of any kind; or other incidental or
consequential damages or losses of any kind.
Note: Some states do not allow exclusion or
limitation of consequential damages,
so the foregoing exclusions may not
apply to you.