Assembling the Turntable
up with
the Mc-
on the
Refer to
tighten the knurled knob to secure the position of the Coun-
ter Weight.
9. Locate the Tone Arm Height Gauge (used for the McIntosh
MCC10 Cartridge) from inside the accessory box.
10. The gauge should just fit between the Tone Arm Hous-
ing and the Mounting Plate of the Tone Arm. This will
verify the preset Tone
Arm Height has not
changed during ship-
ping. Refer to figure
14. If the space has
changed, carefully
loosen the Tone Arm
Height Set Screw in
the Mounting Plate
and adjust the height
of the Tone Arm so
the gauge will just fit.
Note: Do not rotate
the Tone Arm
Horizontally when making the vertical height adjust-
11. Place the McIntosh MT10 Turntable in its operation location.
Notes: 1. To reduce the chance of acoustic feedback lo-
cate the turntable the greatest possible distance
from the system loudspeakers.
2. To minimize the possibility of the cartridge sty-
lus jumping record grooves, place the turntable
on a mechanically stable surface such as wall
shelving anchored to wall studs.
12. Remove the protective film from the Optical Sensor located
on the Turntable Top
Surface. Refer to
figure 15.
Figure 13
Rear of Tone Arm
McIntosh MCC10 Position Marking
Figure 14
Tone Arm Height Set Screw
MCC10 Height Gauge
13. Remove the protec-
tive film from the
botton of the Turn-
table Platter cover the
Optical Ring. Refer
to figure 16.
14. Remove the protec-
tive foil from the bot-
ton of the Turntable
Vertical Bearing
opening. Refer to
figure 17.
15. Locate the supplied
Turntable Bearing
Oil and place two
small drops of Oil
on the top sides of
the Vertical Bearing
Ceramic Shaft.
16. Very carefully center
the Vertical Bearing
Ceramic Shaft with
the Vertical Bearing
opening on the bot-
tom of the Turntable
Platter. Lower the
Platter onto the
Ceramic Shaft while
keeping the platter
parallel with the
top surface of the
Turntable. Refer to
figures 18, 19 and
17. Using the supplied
cloth gloves place
the belt onto the
circumference of the
platter and then onto
the pulley of the mo-
tor. Rotate the plat-
ter by hand while
seating the belt into
the recessed groove
on the platter.
18. Locate the Turntable
Platter Mat and
place it on top of the
Figure 18
Figure 20
Figure 19
Figure 16
Remove Film
Figure 15
Remove Film
Figure 17
Remove Film