
Table 4-1 S - Registers
Register Function Range/units Default
S0 Auto-answer Ring 0-255/rings 0
S1 Ring counter 0-255/rings 0
S2 Escape code character 0-127/ASCII 43
S3 Carriage return character 0-127/ASCII 13
S4 Line feed character 0-127/ASCII 10
S5 Backspace character 0-32, 127/ASCII 8
S6 Dial tone wait time 0-255/seconds 2
S7 Remote carrier wait time 1-255/seconds 30
S8 Comma pause time 0-255/seconds 2
S9 Carrier detect time 0-255/0.1 second 6
S10 Carrier loss time 0-255/0.1 second 14
S11 Touch-tone dialing speed 50-255/0.001 second 70
S12 Esc. character detect time 0-255/0.02 second 50
S13 Reserved
S14 Echo, response, dialing, Bit-mapped
S15 Reserved
S16 Modem test options Bit-mapped
S17 Reserved
S18 Modem test timer 0-255/seconds 0
S19 Reserved
S20 Reserved
S21 DTR, DCD, DSR, and Bit-mapped
Long Space Disconnect
S22 Speaker and response Bit-mapped
S23 RDL, DTE data rate, Bit-mapped
parity,and guard tone
S24 Reserved
S25 DTR delay 0-100/seconds 5
S26 RTS/CTS delay interval 0-255/0.01 second 1
S27 Async operation, CCITT/ Bit-mapped
Bell mode
S28 Reserved
S29 Reserved
S30 Sleep mode time 0-90/seconds 10
S37 Maximum line speed 0-11 0
S90 Disconnect timer 0-255/seconds 0
S108 Retrain options 0-3 2
S109 Line Speed permitted 2-62 62
Section Five - Result Codes