Main Menu
Go Advanced
Main Menu
Go Normal
Main Menu
From the main screen press ~/MENU to enter the
Main Menu. Press a letter to either proceed to another
menu or perform a function per the list below.
A: Advanced Menu – ~/MENU A
Press A to enter the Advanced Menu. The Advanced
Menu contains Delay modes (including Rear Curtain
Sync), Intervalometer, Multipop, and SpeedCycler modes.
B: Basic Settings – ~/MENU B
Press B to enter the Basic Settings menu. It contains Contact time and Beep menu.
C: Counter Menu – ~/MENU C
Press C to enter the Trigger Counter Menu which contains Counter direction, and
other counter functions: Reset / Clear, Disable, and Load.
D: Go Advanced – ~/MENU D
D: Go Normal – ~/MENU D
Press D to toggle between the last Advanced mode
used and Normal mode.
This function enables a quick return to standard or
normal operation from an advanced function.
The settings of the advanced function are saved.
ë Go Normal is a quick way to get to standard radio slave operation after using
advanced functions and menus. Use this function to “turn off” an advanced mode and
use the MultiMAX as a radio slave only.