3. lcdctl: lcdctl is used to control the LCD display. Use lcdctl
to display user message, please prepare 2x18 text message and
save it as a file. Then use lcdctl filename to display the
message on the LCD screen. Use lcdctl —ip 0 to display the
ip address of the network setting on the LCD screen. The
parameter time is the refresh rate in second and use lcdctl —
cpu 0 to display the system loading information
4. gpioctl: gpioctl is used to control the programmable digital I/O
port located on the DB25 connector. Following example is to
configure DIO1 as digital input and DIO2 as digital output with
low output state.
Artila Utility Software:
The introduction of Artila utility software as follow:
1. update : update loader, kernel or root file system image.
Also use update —FORMAT to format user disk. Type
update—help to find the command usage
Update can only operated under supervisor mode (password :
2. setuart: configure serial port setting. An example show as
followed to configure port 1 as RS-485 interface with baud rate
921600. Please note only port 1 support 9-bit data at RS-485
7. mp3play: mp3play is used to play MP3 format audio files
5. vplay: vplay is used to play audio file in wave format.
How to make more utility software
You might also find utility software available on Artila CD
under /Matrix 520/utility such as ntpclient, ssh, scp, bluez and
ssh-keygen. If you want, you can ftp or copy the utility software
to Matrix 520 user disk (/disk). Also you can use find the
source code and use the GNU Tool Chain to make the utility by
6. Tone: Audio output test program