
Cylindrical enclosures
Suitable cylindrical enclosures include the Atlas 95-12 with the Atlas
61-12W grille or the Lowell XCP1210 with the Lowell RS12-AW or
WB-12 grille
Transformer versions C10.1RT and C10.1CT
C10.1R and C10.1C ceiling loudspeakers are available with optional
high power transformers. These transformer coupled versions are
called C10.1RT and C10.1CT.
Voltage & power settings available
Model Direct 100V operation 70V operation
(200W AES (Transformer versions suffix T)
800W pk)
C10.1R 16 ohms 150W, 75W 150W, 75W, 37W
C10.1C 16 ohms 150W, 75W 150W, 75W, 37W
C10.1RT and C10.1CT full-range ceiling loudspeakers are supplied
in chassis form so transformer power can be selected using the
push-fit connectors on the transformer. Taps ratings are printed on
the transformer winding cover next to each push-fit tag (arrowed).
All material © 2007. Martin Audio Ltd. Subject to change without notice.