J2K100 User’s Manual
Page B2 Appendix A – NMEA 2000 Interfacing Revision 1.0
9: Fuel Pressure – This field indicates the pressure of the engine fuel in units of 1000
10: Reserved – This field is reserved by NMEA; therefore, the J2K100 sets all bits to a
logic 1.
11: Engine Discrete Status 1 – This field indicates warning conditions of the engine with
the following bit assignments (value of 1 indicates warning present):
Bit 0: Check Engine
Bit 1: Over Temperature
Bit 2: Low Oil Pressure
Bit 3: Low Oil Level
Bit 4: Low Fuel Pressure
Bit 5: Low System Voltage
Bit 6: Low Coolant Level
Bit 7: Water Flow
Bit 8: Water in Fuel
Bit 9: Charge Indicator
Bit 10: Preheat Indicator
Bit 11: High Boost Pressure
Bit 12: Rev Limit Exceeded
Bit 13: EGR System
Bit 14: Throttle Position Sensor
Bit 15: Emergency Stop Mode
12: Engine Discrete Status 2 – This field indicates warning conditions of the engine with
the following bit assignments (value of 1 indicates warning present):
Bit 0: Warning Level 1
Bit 1: Warning Level 2
Bit 2: Power Reduction
Bit 3: Maintenance Needed
Bit 4: Engine Comm Error
Bit 5: Sub or Secondary Throttle
Bit 6: Neutral Start Protect
Bit 7: Engine Shutting Down
Bit 8-15: These bits are reserved and should be masked when read
13: Percent Engine Load – This field indicates the percent load of the engine in units of 1
14: Percent Engine Torque – This field indicates the percent torque of the engine in units
of 1 percent.
PGN 127498 – Engine Parameters, Static
The J2K100 uses this PGN to transmit unchanging engine data.
Field 1: Engine Instance – This field indicates the particular engine for which this data
applies. A single engine will have an instance of 0. Engines in multi-engine boats will
be numbered starting at 0 at the bow of the boat incrementing to n going in towards
the stern of the boat. For engines at the same distance from the bow are stern, the