Note. In line with our current warranty policy we would ask that you check through the following guide to identify any problems
external to the boiler prior to requesting a service engineers visit. Should the problem be found to be other than with the appliance
we rese rve t he right to levy a charge for the visit, or for any pre ---arranged visit where access is not gained by the engineer.
Troubleshooting --- Typical Non Product Faults
Problem Solution
Boiler is not working for central heating
or hot water
F Is there power to the bo i ler i.e. is the left hand side green LED (A) alight and
flashing every 4 seconds. If not this is not a boile r fault --- contact the installer
F Check pressure gauge on boiler shows a minimum of 1 bar.
If not re---pressurise via the filling loop to 1 bar (if unsure contact your installer), turn
off the tap on the filling loop and press the reset button (D) to reset the boiler. If
unable to do so or if the pressure continues to drop after filling then contact your
F Is the lockout signal lamp (E) alight --- Press boiler reset button (D) --- If boiler still
does not fire contact the installer
Boiler goes through ignition sequence but
will not fire for either central heating or hot
water and then goes to ignition lockout
F Check gas supply (try another gas appliance cooker/fire etc) If no gas supply
then this is not a boiler faul t --- Contact the gas supplier
Fan &pump run continuosly butthere isno
F Check that the air pressure switch test caps, on top of the boiler, are fitted
Operating for hot water but will notoperate
for central heating
F Check that integral programmer is set to an “ on” period and the function switch
is set to “auto”--- If it still does not operate contact your installer
F If fitted with an external programmer check that the central heating channel is set
at an “on” period --- If it still does not operate contact your installer
F Check the room thermostat is set at the required temperature --- Test the room
thermost at by turning fully up --- If this does not respond contac t your installer
F Check the radiator temperature control (C) is set at the winter setting for central
The nature of all combination boilers is to heat up water directly from the incoming mains water supply directly through the boiler to
supply domestic hot water at the stated flow rates, (as shown in the boiler installation instructions), to achieve a 35ûC t emperature rise.
As the ambient temperature of the cold m ain varies during the s ummer and winter m onths it is likely in the colder winter months that
the flow rate will need to be reduced at the outlet taps to achieve the same temperatures achieved in the warmer summer months.
This is not a fault with the appliance but is relevant to the varying temperature of the incoming cold mains water supply.
Caradon Ideal limited pursues a policy of continuing improvement in the design and
performance of its products. Theright is thereforereserved tovary specificationwithout
Ideal Boilers, P.O. Box 103, National Ave, Kingston Upon Hull, HU5 4JN.
Tel. 01482 492251 Fax. 01482 448858. Registration No. London 322 137.
Ideal Consumer Helpline:
01482 498660