Chapter 6 Troubleshooting 29
Error Code Description/Action
(PCI Card)
The driver for the PCI Card is not installed on your system.
Reinstall the PCI Card driver following the manufacturer’s
instructions. If that fails to fix the problem, call the card
manufacturer for new drivers.
The PCI host card or expansion chassis are not working
correctly. Reinstall the PCI host card into the computer’s PCI
slot and recheck all cable connections. If the error code
remains, try another PCI slot. If you still have the error, call
Mobility Technical Support.
Other Codes
For all other error codes, call:
On the PCI to PCI Bridge:
Mobility Technical Support
On the PCI Card:
Card Manufacturer’s Technical Support,
after first verifying that the Magma expansion system is
installed properly.
If you are still having problems, contact Mobility Technical Support for
more help.