Chapter 5 Chassis Maintenance 19
Next, use a can of compressed air from your local computer store to
blow out any dust that may have accumulated in the chassis fans.
Be sure to keep the can of compressed air about six inches from the
parts being sprayed with air. Pay particular attention to the fans in the
and power supply because they are critical to air
movement to keeping your chassis cool. Also spray the PCI-X slots
the backplane
, and the chassis bay areas and . If you have
mounted hard drive cages in one or both of these areas, be sure to
check for dust that can collect in the space between the drives.
Next, you can use anti static wipes to wipe down any open areas inside
and outside of the chassis to remove any remaining dust or dirt. If you
have dust or dirt remaining in any “hard to reach area”, such as corners
of a fan blade, you can use the cotton swabs, dipped in the isopropyl
(alcohol), to gently rub the area clean.
Lastly, if the chassis was extremely dirty, you can remove any installed
Party cards and wipe the PCI-X slots with a soft bristle brush (like a
toothbrush), dipped in the isopropyl (alcohol), to gently clean each slot.
When finished, blow the slots with compressed air from about six inches
away until dry.
If your chassis is extremely dirty and you would like professional
help with getting it clean, you can contact Magma Support for
instructions and costs on shipping the chassis back for cleaning.
Finally, clean the air filter following the instructions later in this chapter.
When finished, replace the cover and turn on power to the system.