DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
Installation and Test for Compact Modular Cabinets
Issue 3
May 1998
Install and Cable the Cabinets
Page 1-65Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment
Local and Phantom Power
An attendant console’s maximum distance from the system is limited.
See Ta b le 1 - 9
Auxiliary Power
The nonessential functions of an attendant console and its optional 26A1 or 24A1
selector console derive power from an auxiliary power source. Provide auxiliary
power for an attendant console through this cable so the console remains fully
operational during short power outages.
Only 1 console can derive auxiliary power from the system and through the
auxiliary cable located in the trunk/auxiliary field.
A console’s maximum distance from its auxiliary power source is:
■ 800 feet (244 m) for a 302A1
■ 350 feet (107 m) for a 301B1 and 302C1
An attendant console can also derive auxiliary power from:
■ Individual 1151A or 1151A2 power supply
■ MSP-1 power supply
■ 258A-type adapters
■ Bulk power supplies such as the 1145A1
Table 1-9. Attendant Console Cabling Distances
Enhanced Attendant
Console (302C1)
24 AWG Wire (0.26 mm2) 26 AWG Wire (0.14 mm
Feet Meters Feet Meters
With Selector Console
Phantom powered 800 244 500 152
Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037
Without Selector Console
Phantom powered 1400 427 900 274
Locally powered 5000 1524 3400 1037