To use the simulator:
1. From a Sonar Page, press MENU|MENU|↓ to SONAR SIMULATOR|ENT.
2. Turn off the Sonar Simulator by pressing
If you turn on your unit before attaching a transducer, it may enter
a demo mode. The words "demo mode" flash on the bottom of the
screen and a sonar chart plays much like the simulator. Unlike the
simulator, the demo mode is for demonstration only, and will
automatically stop as soon as you turn on the unit with a trans-
ducer attached. The simulator will continue to function normally.
Stop Chart
If you are running multiple units on a boat, there are times when you
may want to turn off the sonar. This command turns off the sonar and
stops the chart from scrolling. Sonar restarts automatically each time
you turn on your unit.
To Stop Chart from running:
1. Press
To turn on sonar and start the chart scrolling again, repeat the above step.
Sonar Menu with Stop Chart command selected. The box is unchecked,
indicating the chart is scrolling across the screen.
Surface Clarity
The markings extending downward from the zero line on the chart are
called "surface clutter." The clutter is caused by wave action, boat
wakes, temperature inversion and more.
The surface clarity control reduces or eliminates surface clutter signals.
It does this by changing the sensitivity of the receiver, decreasing it
near the surface and gradually increasing it as the depth increases.