
To customize Fuel Manager page:
1. After the Fuel Manager page has been added to the page screen
rotation, use the
UP and DOWN keys to display it on the screen.
2. Press
MENU, select CUSTOMIZE and press MENU.
3. Highlight
Speed sensor data can be shown on the Single Analog, Dual Analog,
Quad Analog, Single Digital, Dual Digital, Quad Digital and Fuel
Manager pages.
Page Screen Rotation
The Page Screen Rotation consists of multiple pages that have been set
up for display. Once pages have been added to the page screen rotation,
they can be set to scroll across the screen automatically or manually.
Use the
ENTER and EXIT keys to manually scroll pages across the
screen. Pressing the
ENTER key moves the scroll in one direction.
Pushing the
EXIT key moves the scroll in the other direction. You will
use the Page Scrolling if you want pages to automatically scroll across
the screen. Refer to your LMF-400 manual for more information about
Page Scrolling.
To add a page to the display:
1. Press MENU, use the UP and DOWN keys to select PAGES and press
ENTER. A menu will pop up with four options: Add Page, Remove Page,
Page Scrolling and Pop-Ups Setup.
2. Select ADD PAGE and press ENTER.
3. Highlight (Single Analog, Dual Analog, Quad Analog, Single Digital,
Dual Digital, Quad Digital or Fuel Manager page) and press
The following message will appear: Press Enter to add the selected page.
4. Press
ENTER, which will take you back to the main display, where
the page you selected will be shown on the screen.
Customizing Pages
The customizing pages feature allows you to choose what data will be
displayed and how it will be displayed on selected pages. You can
customize the Single Analog, Dual Analog, Quad Analog, Single
Digital, Dual Digital, Quad Digital and Fuel Manager pages with speed
sensor data.