KOMPONENT 110, 106 & 104
Owner’s Manual
Guarantee and Service
Guarantee and Service
This product is guaranteed under the conditions which apply in the country
of purchase and your statutory rights are not limited. In addition to any
statutory rights you may have, Linn undertake to replace any parts which
have failed due to faulty manufacture. To help us, please ask your Linn
retailer about the Linn warranty scheme in operation in your country.
In parts of Europe, the United States of America and some other markets,
extended warranty may be available to customers who register their
purchase with Linn. A warranty registration card is included with the
product and should be stamped by your retailer and returned to Linn as
soon as possible. Alternatively, you can register your warranty online at
Unauthorised servicing or dismantling of the product invalidates the
manufacturer’s warranty. There are no user serviceable parts inside the
product and all enquiries relating to product servicing should be referred
to authorised retailers only.
TTeecchhnniiccaall ssuuppppoorrtt aanndd iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn
For technical support, product queries and information, please contact
either your local retailer or one of the Linn offices opposite.
Full details of your local retailer/distributor can be found on the Linn web
site: www.linn.co.uk
Please keep a copy of the sales receipt to establish the purchase
date of the product.
Please ensure that your equipment is insured by you during any
transit or shipment for repair.
LLiinnnn PPrroodduuccttss LLiimmiitteedd
Glasgow Road
Glasgow G76 0EQ
Scotland, UK
Phone: +44 (0)141 307 7777
Fax: +44 (0)141 644 4262
Helpline: 0500 888909
Email: helpline@linn.co.uk
Website: www.linn.co.uk
LLiinnnn IInnccoorrppoorraatteedd
8787 Perimeter Park Boulevard
FL 32216
Phone: +1 (904) 645 5242
Fax: +1 (904) 645 7275
Helpline: 888-671-LINN
Email: helpline@linninc.com
Website: www.linninc.com
LLiinnnn DDeeuuttsscchhllaanndd GGmmbbHH
Albert-Einstein-Ring 19
22761 Hamburg
Phone: +49-(0) 40-890 660-0
Fax: +49-(0) 40-890 660-29
Email: info@linngmbh.de
Website: www.linn.co.uk
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