14. Event Log
The Console will log system events in its memory they occur. The log can
be retrieved by the RA4200 software. Each event is tagged with the date
and time that the event was recorded. The log contains the most recent
100 Console events.
Three standard reporting groups are supported:
Group 1 logging always occurs; all events related to alarms are logged:
• Sensor alarms (emergency, fi re, CO)
• Temperature alarms
• HELP button alarms
• 2-way voice sessions
• Alarm reset/cancel
• Central Station reports, attempts, retries and failures
• All button presses
Group 2 logging is optional; when enabled, mode changes, activity
monitoring, and reminder message expiration events are logged:
• Console mode changes (off, home, away, night)
• Activity sensor activations
• Inactivity alarm window expiration
• Reminder message timeout expiration
Group 3 logging is optional; when enabled, supervisory trouble and
remote access events are logged:
• Remote access (RA4200) sessions
• Console supervisory events (AC power, low battery, phone trouble)
• Sensor supervisory events (supervision, low battery)
✓ NOTE: Extended event logging options for Group 2 and Group 3 events
are selectable on the REPORTING OPTIONS tab.
14.1 Retrieving the Event Log
Use the following steps to retrieve a Console’s event log:
1. Connect to the Console with the RA4200 application.
2. Press the GET LOG icon (also available under COMMUNICATIONS
on the menu bar).
3. After the log is retrieved, it will be displayed on the LOG tab. Use the
scroll bar to view the entire log. The most recent event is indicated in
the log.
4. Disconnect from the Console.
14.2 Printing the Event Log
The contents of the log can be printed with the account summary using
the RA4200 PRINT / PREVIEW command.
14.3 Clearing the Event Log
In case the Console is going to be moved, re-confi gured, or used in a
different installation, the event log can be cleared from the Console’s
memory. To clear the log:
1. Connect to the Console with the RA4200 application.
2. Select CLEAR EVENT LOG from the RA4200 TOOLS menu.
3. Disconnect from the Console.
RA4200 Console Event Log