To lock the TBP12 beltpack, turn it on and check the settings, and check the receiver display for signal.
With two fingers, press the
SELECT and VALUE buttons at the same time and hold for two seconds.
The word [LOCKED] will appear on the top line of the display for a moment, and then revert to the
main screen. Test by pressing any of the buttons to assure that it is locked. Locking will also temporarily
disable the
OFF/ON switch. To unlock, again hold the SELECT and VALUE buttons for two seconds.
Setting Encryption
The XD-V75 Digital Wireless microphone system permits a unique 24-bit encryption code to be
applied to the audio coming from the transmitter, creating a secure link between it and the associated
receiver – over 16 million codes are possible. Encryption prevents the audio signal from being captured
and deciphered when wireless is being used during confidential meetings and proceedings. The audio
entering the microphone element is encoded within the transmitter, and is decoded within the receiver;
the radio signal in between is secure.
The encryption code is entered into the transmitter first, and then is transferred to the associated
receiver. Make sure that you have already set both to the same frequency.
Note, When using the
“Send” crypto key function both transmitter and receiver will need to be set to the same channel and
communicating in non-Crypto mode before this feature can be used. With the transmitter on, press and
hold the
SELECT button to go to the channel page, and then press the button three more times to go to
the [CRYTPTO] page. The encryption mode is either [OFF] or [ON], and the word will flash; press
MUTE on the handheld or VALUE on the beltpack to switch between them. Choose [ON] to set a code.
Note, The transmitter will begin transmitting in encrypted mode when [ON] is selected and setup mode
is exited. If you are going through the edit screens and do not want to change the current encryption
setting, pressing the
SELECT button again without pressing ON/MUTE or VALUE will bypass this page,
leaving encryption in its current off or on state, and go on to the next edit page. To turn off encryption,
go to the [CRYPTO] page, press the
ON/MUTE or VALUE button to go to [OFF], and press the SELECT
button to exit. In a few moments, the system will return to the unencrypted transmission mode.
The transmitter automatically and randomly generates a six-digit hex code (characters 0 – 9 and A – F),
which it uses for encryption and remembers even when the transmitter is turned off. The only way to
“lose” this code is to turn the [CRYPTO] page to [OFF]. The code may be seen only once, by pressing
SELECT button immediately after setting [CRYPTO] to [ON]; it will appear on the backlit display
for two minutes or until the
SELECT button is pressed again to go to the next page. As soon as SELECT
is pressed for the second time, the transmitter will go into encrypted mode.
To transfer the encryption code to the associated XD-V75 receiver that is set to the same channel, the
receiver must be on the encryption page. Press the SETUP button to go to [SELECT FUNCTION] and
scroll with the
ROTARY ENCODER to [ENCRYPTION], then press the encoder to enter that function.