a. Level / Incline Display – There are two types of levels used on LIFE FITNESS treadmills. The
fi rst type of level is an incline level or percentage. Incline level is only manually adjusted by the user
in a MANUAL workout. The range of possible incline percentages is 0.8 - 15% and can be manually
adjusted in 0.5% increments. The second diffi culty level corresponds to a range of actual incline
percentages. Diffi culty levels are only used in RANDOM, HILL, EZ INCLINE, and SPORTS TRAINING workouts. So
when a user selects a diffi culty level of 10 it corresponds to a range of incline percentages between 3.8% - 7.5%. During
RANDOM, HILL, EZ INCLINE, and SPORTS TRAINING the diffi culty level will be displayed only during workout setu
p and
anytime the diffi culty level is changed during the workout. At all other times during these workouts the incline percentage
is displayed.
b. Changing the Level during a Workout – Use the Left / Right arrows to increase or decrease your level during a
Diffi culty Level Incline Level
20 10.5 - 15.0
19 9.8 - 14.3
18 9.0 - 13.5
17 8.3 - 12.8
16 7.5 - 12.0
15 6.8 - 10.5
14 6.0 - 9.8
13 5.3 - 9.0
12 4.5 - 8.3
11 4.5 - 7.5
10 3.8 - 7.5
9 3.0 - 6.8
8 3.0 - 6.0
7 2.3 - 6.0
6 2.3 - 5.3
5 1.5 - 5.3
4 1.5 - 4.5
3 0.8 - 4.5
2 0.8 - 4.5
1 0.8 - 3.8