
This workout targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of Watts. A Watt is a unit of power
that measures the amount of mechanical work required to operate a device, such as a Lifecycle
exercise bike. It is roughly equal to .25 calories per hour. The workout program automatically
alters the intensity level to maintain the appropriate rate of effort. By default, this workout is turned
off. For information on making it available, see Section 5, titled Optional Settings.
This workout targets a rate of effort equal to a certain number of METs. A MET is a unit of measurement
used to express the metabolic rate of work (oxygen consumption per unit of body weight) required to per-
form a task. One MET is approximately equal to a person’s metabolism when seated and relaxed. By
default, this workout is turned off. For information on making it available, see Section 5, titled
In this workout, the MESSAGE CENTER continuously prompts the user to switch between a high pedaling
speed and a low pedaling speed. These speed intervals alternate in a pattern that promotes a “build-up” in
the intensity of the workout, followed by a “build-down” in intensity.
The workout consists of 32 intervals, which are divided into groups of four. In the first group, the user
encounters one fast interval followed by three slow intervals. The second group features two fast intervals
followed by two slow intervals. The third group features three fast intervals followed by one slow interval.
The fourth group, which is the most intense point of the workout, features four fast intervals. Afterward, the
workout decreases in intensity, concluding with a group of four, conscutive, slow intervals. See the chart
The length of the intervals depends on the workout duration selected by the user.
Custom interval heart rate and hill workouts may be created by fitness club managers or other authorized
personnel. For information about these workouts, consult a fitness club staff member. To select these work-
outs, press the PERSONAL TRAINER key. When prompted by the MESSAGE CENTER, press the num-
ber corresponding to the desired workout, using the NUMERIC keypad. Then, press ENTER and begin the
workout. See section 5.2, titled About Personal Trainer Workouts.
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
Fast Slow
Build-Up Build-Down
Interval 1
Interval 2
Interval 3
Interval 4
Workout Begin