for Good Stretching Results
Stretching is a special discipline that requires concentration and patience for best
results. Follow these tips and practice the stretches shown in the illustrations that
follow at least 3 times a week for 15 minutes per session. You'll progress safely
and surely.
1. Dress Comfortably. Wear loose-fitting, soft fabric clothes without restrictive
belts, elastic or lager buttons or buckles. Breathable cotton or softly woven wool
is preferable to synthetic cloth. Go without shoes or slippers when stretching.
2. Stretch Slowly. Move in and out of your stretches with slow, controlled
motions and hold in a static position when you've stretched as far 2S comfortable.
Fast, bouncy, ballistic motions can actually signal the muscles to contract, and
defeat the purpose of stretching. Concentrate on the body part you are working.
You can close your eyes and imagine your muscles loosening slowly and
3. Practice Abdominal Breathing. Learn to breathe from your diaphragm, so
that your stomach, rather than your rib cage and shoulders, rises and falls with
each breath. Abdominal breathing encourages relaxation, lessens muscular
tension and helps lower blood pressure.
4. Learn Your "Stretching Zone." Stretch gradually to the point that you feel
resistance, but never to the point of pain, and never use muscular effort to
increase a stretch. Some discomfort is natural, but the gentle forces of gravity
and your body weight willdetermine the limits of your safe, effective "stretching
5. Start Easy. Start each session withthe stretches you find easiest. Thiswill
help you relax, concentrate and warm up for the more difficult parts of your
6. Empty Stomachs Make Stretching Easier. You'll find your stretching
routines easier and more pleasant ifyou do them on an empty stomach. This
refers to liquid as well as solid foods.
7. Pre- and Post-Workout Stretches. Always stretch to warm and loosen
tissues in preparation for exertion. And, since muscles tighten up after exertion,
stretch afterwards to promote circulation and minimize stiffness from lactic acid
build-up. You don't have to perform all the stretches pictured on the following
pages before and after you work out, but be sure to perform those that most
directly effect the muscles you use during exercise.