Alarm Descriptions and Solutions
• REFRIG SENS FAIL—Activated when the control stops receiving a signal from the refrigerant
temperature sensor. If this alarm becomes active, the control will close the control valve over a
9-minute period. This alarm will shut down the Liebert XDP. Main power must be (disconnect
switch) must be turned Off, then back On to clear this alarm.
• LOSS OF POWER—Activated when the unit is On and operational and 24VAC power to the con-
trol is lost. This alarm will be emitted when power is restored to the control. The Liebert XDP will
restart at a user-defined time delay after power is restored. The alarm will reset itself after 30
seconds of run time.
5.2 Red and Green Lamp Indicators
• The Green lamp will be on only when The Liebert XDP is On and running with no alarms.
• The Red lamp will be on if the unit is On and running with an active alarm, or if the unit is shut
down because of a certain alarm.
• The Red lamp will flash when an alarm is being annunciated. The Red lamp will stop flashing and
the beeper in the display will stop beeping when the ALARM SILENCE / ? key is pressed.
5.3 Alter Alarm Settings
5.3.1 Enable or Disable Alarms
At the user’s discretion, some alarms may be enabled or disabled. If an alarm is disabled, the alarm
condition will not be monitored and will not trip, will not be in ACTIVE ALARMS, will not be in
ALARM HISTORY and will not be annunciated.
These alarms may be enabled or disabled:
• LOSS OF FLOW P1—loss of refrigerant flow with Pump 1 alarm
• LOSS OF FLOW P2—loss of refrigerant flow with Pump 2 alarm
• VALVE FAILURE—chilled water control valve failure alarm
• CUSTOMER—customer alarm
• HI RMT TEMP—high remote temperature alarm
• LO RMT TEMP—low remote temperature alarm
• HI LCL TEMP—high local temperature alarm
• LO LCL TEMP—low local temperature alarm
To determine whether an alarm is enabled or disabled:
1. Press the MENU key.
2. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move to the ALARM ENABLE menu.
3. Press the ENTER key to access the menu. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to move through the
menu and view which alarms are enabled or disabled. (“YES” means that the alarm is enabled,
“NO” means that the alarm is disabled.)
To change an alarm from enabled to disabled, or vice versa
1. Determine whether the alarm is enabled or disabled (see above).
2. Use the Up and Down arrow keys to scroll to the alarm to be changed.
3. Press the ENTER key. (The control will ask for a service password if passwords are enabled. Use
the Up and Down arrow keys and ENTER key to enter the three-digit password.)
4. Press the ENTER key again to change the alarm.
5. Press the ESC key two to three times to return to the main display.