
12 Operating Instructions
3.3 RS-232 Communications Port
The SmartSwitch contains an RS-232 ASCII communications port for changing user settings and
remote monitoring of unit status and alarm information. The RS-232 port connections are to a
9-pin “D” connector located on the outside of the unit. See Figure 2 and Figure 3 for the location
of the port and Figure 5 for the port connections.
The default parameters of the communications port are RS-232 terminal emulator protocol using
EIA voltage levels, ASCII Characters, Half Duplex Asynchronous Communications, 9600 Baud
rate, 8 Data Bits, 1 Stop Bit, No Parity, No Handshaking, and <CR> Terminator.
The port uses a query-response format. Commands are divided into two groups, inquiries and set-
tings changes. The list of available customer commands is shown in Table 3. Only one command
is serviced at a time. A password is required to change unit settings. The default password is “Lie-
bert.” Inquiries include viewing unit status, viewing event history log, and viewing settings. Typi-
cal inquiry responses are shown in Table 4, Table 5, and Table 6.
The Event Log contains the last 175 switch events. The Settings Log contains the last 50 switch
settings changes.
Table 3 RS-232 ASCII Communication Port Customer Commands
Function Command Selections
View Status Y<CR>
View Event Log B<CR> Views up to the last 175 switch events
View Settings O<CR>
Set Time* Thh:mm:ss<CR> hh = hours, mm = minutes, ss = seconds
Set Date* Dmm/dd/yy<CR> mm = month, dd = day, yy = year
Synchronization Window* Pn<CR> n = 1 to 20 degrees
Auto Retransfer Enable* Rx<CR> x = 0 for disabled, x = 1 for enabled
Auto Retransfer Delay* En<CR> n = 1 to 60 seconds
Load Current Transfer Inhibit* In<CR> n = 1 to 10 times full load current
Load Current Inhibit Reset* Hx<CR> x = 0 for Manual, x = 1 for Automatic
Auto Transfer Test Enable* Sx<CR> x = 0 for disabled, x = 1 for enabled
Auto Transfer Test Settings* Xmm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss n<CR> mm/dd/yy = test date, hh:mm:ss = test time,
n = 1 to 365 days between tests
Restore Default Settings* W<CR>
Clear Event Log* G<CR>
View Settings Log C<CR> Views up to the last 50 switch settings
Clear Settings Log* Z<CR>
*User Password required for these commands. System prompts for password entry. Password remains valid for 2 minutes
after each password-required command.
Table 4 Example View Status Response
ALARMS Alarms include:
Power Supply Fault Preferred Source Fail, Alternate Source Fail, Out
of Sync, Transfer Inhibit, Peak Overload,
Transfer Test Failed, and Power Supply Fault.
SOURCE and SWITCH Source and Switch Messages include:
Load on Preferred Source Load on Preferred Source, Load on Alternate
Source, Switch in Normal Mode, Manual Transfer
to S1, Manual Transfer to S2, Bypass to S1,
Bypass to S2, Preferred Source Available, and
Alternate Source Available.
Switch in Normal Mode
Preferred Source Available
Alternate Source Available